IOS #105 Eureka Open – Temp Course Rules
General Info
Rope marks the OB line in many cases.
Painted OB lines clarify OB in some cases and are considered the OB line where it exists.
Drop zone flags, putting circle flags, OB stakes and rope are part of the course and may not be moved.
Casual relief from poison ivy.
Hole Specific
Hole 1: On or over the parking lot or pavement is OB. Surrounded by lake is OB. Throws must pass left of the tree near the tee box. Go to drop zone with one penalty throw for all throws from tee or drop zone that come to rest in the OB lake or miss the mandatory. Normal OB options for the rest of the hole. Rocks on shoreline are inbounds. Players may take 1m perpendicular relief from the rocks as if they were OB.
Hole 2: Surrounded by lake is OB. The pavilion and on or over pavement/gravel road is OB. Rocks on the shoreline are in bounds. Players may take 1 m perpendicular relief from the rocks as if they were OB. The pavilion acts as a mandatory. Throws must pass left of the marked post on the pavilion. The missed mandatory line starts at the marked post and extends towards the other post perpendicular to the fairway. The drop zone near the pavilion is only available for throws that are OB in the pavilion or miss the pavilion mandatory. Penalty for missing the mandatory is one throw.
Hole 3: On or over pavement to the left is OB.
Hole 4: On or over path to the right is OB. Mandatory left of marked tree. Drop zone for missed mandatory marked near mandatory. Penalty for missing the mandatory is one throw.
Hole 5: Ball field is OB. On or over pavement is OB. Normal OB rules apply.
Hole 6: Outside of the painted/roped area is OB.
Hole 7: In or over creek on left is OB, on or over pavement to right is OB. Players may take 2 m relief from creek.
Hole 8: Surrounded by water is OB. Over the creek to the left or right near the green is OB. On or over the road/roped line or parking lot to the right is OB. For discs that are OB, the optional Drop Zone may be used. Short of the first creek crossing is in bounds.
Hole 9: Outside of the roped area (including the bridge) is OB. For throws from the tee area that come to rest OB, the next lie is restricted to either the drop zone or tee with a one throw penalty. Normal OB rules on the rest of the hole.
Hole 10: Discs coming to rest in the inbounds area for hole 11 are OB. Discs coming to rest in the water or over the water are OB. Players may take 2m relief from creek.
Hole 11: Discs coming to rest outside of the roped area are OB. Surrounded by water is OB. Over creek is OB.
Hole 12: Outside of the roped area is OB. For throws from the tee area that come to rest OB, the next lie is restricted to either the drop zone or tee with a one throw penalty. Normal OB rules on the rest of the hole. Players may take free relief up to 30cm on a line perpendicular to the water tower base.
Hole 13: Surrounded by lake is OB. The land near the tee is OB. For throws from the tee area that come to rest OB, the next lie is restricted to either the drop zone or tee with a one throw penalty. Players may go directly to the drop zone at a cost of two penalty throws (this would essentially be the same as if you went OB on your first throw). Normal OB rules on the rest of the hole. Rocks on the shoreline are in bounds. Players may take 1 m perpendicular relief from the rocks as if they were OB.
Hole 14: Surrounded by lake is OB. On or across the pavement or walking path is OB. Rocks on the shoreline are in bounds. Players may take 1 m perpendicular relief from the rocks as if they were OB. For discs coming to rest within casual area marked with white paint, players may take free relief on the line of play, no closer to the target to the nearest point behind the painted area.
Hole 15: On/over pavement or walking path is OB. Mandatory left of trunk of tree. Drop Zone for missed mandatory marked near mandatory. The penalty for missing the mandatory is one throw. Players may take free relief up to 30cm on a line perpendicular to the cement base of the outhouse.
Hole 16: On or over pavement is OB. Mandatory left of telephone pole (approx. 200 ft. from basket). Drop Zone for missed mandatory marked near mandatory. The penalty for missing the mandatory is one throw.
Hole 17: Surrounded by lake and outside of the roped area is OB. Pier is out of bounds. For throws from the tee area that come to rest OB, the next lie is restricted to either the drop zone or tee with a one throw penalty. Normal OB on the rest of the hole.
Hole 18: Surrounded by lake is OB. On or over pavement is OB. Mandatory left of marked tree. Rethrow from the tee without a penalty throw for missing the mandatory (still counting the throw that missed the mandatory). For discs coming to rest within casual areas marked with white paint, players may take free relief on the line of play, no closer to the target to the nearest point behind the painted area.