IOS #105 Eureka Open – Perm Course Rules
General Info
Painted OB lines clarify OB in some cases and are considered the OB line where it exists.
Casual relief from poison ivy.
Hole Specific
Hole 8: OB in the cornfield long of the basket. Gravel road is not OB.
Hole 9: OB to the right in the residential yard. Gravel road is not OB.
Hole 14: OB on or over the walking path to the left. OB in the residential areas to the right.
Hole 15: OB in the residential areas to the right.
Hole 16: On or over the concrete path is OB.
Hole 17: OB on or over the walking path to the left.
Hole 18: Surrounded by water is OB. OB on or over the walking path to the right. OB in the fenced in ball field.