Hole 1 On/Over Road is OB. Take mandatory casual relief from inside rock flower bed. Do not trample flowers.
Hole 1A On Road or Parking lot, Volleyball court and pavilion are OB.
Hole 2 Parking lot, on/over sidewalk and on/over road is OB. Crushed limestone path NOT out of bounds.
Hole 13 Standard casual relief from water.
Hole 14 Standard casual relief from water.
Hole 15 Inside fenced pool area is OB.
Hole 16 Painted OB line in front of tree line deep.
Hole 17 Fenced pool area OB. Mando right of marked tree branch. Must rethrow with penalty until mando is made.
Hole 18 Inside fenced skate park and tennis courts is OB.
Hole 19 Inside fenced skate park and tennis courts is OB. On/Over Path and parking lot beyond basket OB. Mandatory left of marked line. Line extends straight up from where marked.
Hole 20 On/Over Road is OB.