Another fantastic year in 2007 with an average of 169 players per event. Another year of huge payouts and cheap entry fees.
April 2007, UW-Parkside, Kenosha, WI (172 Players)
May 2007, Madison Meadows Park, Lombard, IL (165 Players)
June 2007, Lippold Park, Crystal Lake, IL (186 Players)
July 2007, Anna Page Park, Rockford, IL (171 Players)
September 2007, Jericho Lake Park. Aurora, IL (161 Players)
October 2007, Fairfield Park, Round Lake, IL (158 Players)
2007 IOS Champions
Open Neal Swanson
Open Women Barrett White
Masters Dan Pastore
Advanced Scott Klatt
Advanced Monroy Gowens
Adv Masters Michael LaScola
Adv G-Masters John Jordan
Intermediate Ray Esquivel
Recreational Jack Waryk
Rec Women Becky Brakel
AM IV Mike Krupicka
Juniors < 19 Adrian Gutierrez Jr.
Juniors < 16 Spencer Holms
Juniors < 13 Jack Eisman
Junior Girls Maddisen Brakel